
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Wonderful Things . . .

Hello La-La peeps, 1LuvnMama here! Boy, has life been nuts around here! My son had Spring Break last week -- in the midst of trying to get things done during that time, he got sick. Then, my hubby got sick . . . and what do you know? I got sick over the weekend. Our Spring Break wasn't so fun, just trying to recover. Now, my poor baby is sick. Like Kim said, something is going around. Praying everyone stays healthy! :)

On to my post. Here is my card for La-La Land Crafts. Meet Dress Up Marci. She is one of 3 new images that's been released. You can find her {HERE} for purchase.

I could totally picture myself trying to dress up like my mom as a youngster. I used to try on her heels and walk around the house like a grown-up. Oh, the wonderful things in life! I paper pieced her and used my copics to create shadows on her hat and dress.

Here's a close-up.

Thanks for stopping by! Have a great weekend!