
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Tutorial Thursday - A Christmas Tag

Hi everyone... It's Aga here today to host tutorial Thursday... 

Today I'll show you how to make christmas ornaments really fast, which you can use to cards or as an add to presents. I hope you will have a lot of joy while creating it.
I will focus attention on creating ornaments and making them look older with crackle technique.

We need: 
 papers, glue,twine, riveting tool, rivet, crackle medium, gesso, gold paint

  At the beggining I prepared dies which I will make ornaments from. 

 Stick selected patterns to our base dies.
Make a hole with a riveting tool
Must put the rivet.
 We cover elements with gold paint.
  The next step We cover ready surface with thin or roughly crackle medium.

 Now We can decorte our work.

We let it dry up. The tag is ready.

Thank You for stopping by and have a nice day.
Aga Baraniak