Inspiration MONDAY

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Club La-La Land Crafts May 2021 Kit Inspiration Day 5


It is DAY 5 of inspiration for the new MAY 2021 CLUB LA-LA LAND CRAFTS KIT!

Look at this Fabulous May 2021 Club Kit!

To get this Craft Lovers themed kit, please subscribe by May 31, 2021!
If you've missed the deadline, you can still subscribe and start with the June Kit. It's fabulous too!


Card by MEG

mice - E44, E43, E42, E41, E40, R32, R20, R30, R00
gold - YR24, Y19, Y13
black - 100, W7, W5, W3
brown - E35, E31
papers - R85, R83, Y23, YR31, YR20

Card by MEG

skin - E04, E13, E11, E00, E000, E0000, R32, R20, R30, R00
hair - E18, E15, E11, E09, E51
green - YG67, G07, G21
blue - B99, B97, B95, B12

How amazing are these projects?! So many wonderful ideas! 

Are you ready to join the CLUB!

We would LOVE for you to be a part of our community!


Make sure to join our CLUB LLLC FAN GROUP on Facebook for more ideas, 

inspiration and a general chit chat about our CLUB!

Click on the buttons below to find us on these social media sites:



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