Inspiration MONDAY

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

18 Days of Christmas Projects - DAY 3

Hello everyone!

How fun the "18 Days of Christmas Projects" idea is! I am excited to be number 3 in the chain and to share with you my project - an explosion drawer box, which can easily serve as a nice decoration piece too, in addition to it's main dedication - holding sweet treats.

First, let me show you the box in more details and then take you through the main construction steps that will help you make a similar box.

Below you can find the list and the links to the LLLC products that I used for creating this project:
Blue Christmas Paper Pack
Snow Amazing Clear Stamp Set
Christmas Postcard Stamp Set
Vintage Window Die
Stitched Trees Die
Pretty Poinsettia Die
Icicles Border Die
Double Stitched Squares Die

**For creating the shaker snow globe inside the box I used an old “Snow Globe” die. It is not available in the LLLC store anymore, but I am sure a lot of you own it and will be happy to use it for this project.

Each of the four sides of the box looks different and features either a colored image of a bunny (from the Snow Amazing Clear Stamp Set) or a few die cut elements:

The bottom section of the box has a little pull-out drawer (in my case, for the treats):

The sides of the top section are kept closed with the help of the little square paper "lock", which slides on top of the pyramid. Once removed, the sides of the pyramid unfold and reveal a shaker decoration inside the box:

The shaker is glued down to the bottom of the pyramid and is supported with the paper flowers on the sides. 

At the next picture you can have a closer look at the top of the box and at the square "locks":

I hope you like the looks of this easy to create project and will give it a go, using the instructions below.

I started with a paper piece measuring 8.5 " X 8.5". You will score it at 3/4", 1.5" & 2 1/4" on each of the four sides:

Now let's cut off the corner sections to get the shape shown below:

This is the base of the drawer. Start assembling the drawer by gluing down the tiny flaps:

Keep on assembling the drawer applying glue to side flaps, one at a time:

And folding them in like so:

This is how the assembled drawer will look like:

You can now measure the panels that you wish to decorate with the designer paper and glue the paper pieces down to the drawer.

Next let's create 4 triangular sections of the pyramid. For each one of the four, you will need a paper piece measuring 5.5" X 4", scored at 5" on the long side:

Unfortunately the above picture turned out a bit blurry, but I hope you can see that I drew the guide lines prior to cutting the shape I needed, starting from the 2" mark at the top, and going down up to the score line.

We need to get 4 pieces which look like this:

 At the picture above you can see the drawn lines, about 1/8" away from the triangle borders - this is the template size of the patterned paper pieces that you will have to create, in order to decorate the pyramid. You will need 4 pc of the patterned triangles for the outside and 4 pc for the inside.

Next, let's create the drawer housing. We will need a piece of paper, measuring 4" X 10.5" and we will score it on the long side at 3.4", 4 7/8", 5 5/8" & 9 3/4":

Assemble the housing as follows:

I would suggest that you decorate the triangular pieces with the designer paper on both sides first, and then glue them down to the housing while it's flat and can be easily maneuvered the way you need:

Once all the four panels are attached to the base and everything is decorated with paper, you can keep on adding more decorative elements to your box, embellishing it with flowers, die cuts and colored images according to you taste and wishes.

For the feet of the box, I just tightly rolled 5 strips of paper. The fifth leg was glued down in the center, to provide an additional support to the drawer, once the sweets are places inside. 

May all of you have a happy holiday season!

Let me know what you think and share your project with the La-La Land Crafts fans in the group on Facebook!



  1. oh my gosh I have got to try this!! it is so freaking adorable! what a wow and it is a gift/card mix! love love

  2. This is such an adorable project! Would love to try this for my granddaughters.

  3. This is awesome and I just ordered that rabbit stamp set - yay!

  4. What a fabulous project! Love all the details you added and the cute bunny! Pretty papers too!

  5. love the project, especially the little bunny , hes too cute!!!

  6. What a cool project with a surprise too!!!

  7. This is gorgeous but intimidating!!!

  8. This is a stunning design, I've never seen anything quite like it. Thanks so much for sharing the detailed instructions!

  9. This is fantastic. Love the drawer to
    hold gifts or mementos. The pyramid
    shape is different and fun. thanks
    for sharing a wonderful project.

  10. I love this idea. I've never seen a triangular explosion box before. This looks great. The snowglobe inside looks wonderful and is a great surprise to open up and see.

  11. WOW!! I have never seen one like this before. I love it!

  12. I would love to be able to purchase a kit for making this! This is so unique!

  13. Wow, I love what you've done here, so cool!

  14. Wow, this is so cool! Thanks for the tutorial. I'd love to try this one. Love it!

  15. WOW, now that is a cool box. Unlike any I have seen. Nice

  16. O, wow. Smth totally new for me. I just love it. Thanks for the tutorial.

  17. This is such a wonderful explosion drawer box, I love it and will be making it. I make explosion boxes but not this shape. LOVE LOVE it

  18. What a darling project. Such a great idea for Christmas or any time of the year. I love each side and then the surprise inside.

  19. i love this box card, I will be making one

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