Inspiration MONDAY

Friday, December 13, 2019

18 Days of Christmas - Day 13

Hello Everyone! Its day 13 of our 18 Days Of Christmas!  Christmas is my most favorite holiday!  I'll admit I'm one of "those" people that put their trees up in early November.  We do two trees every year.   The family tree and my tree...hahaha  The family tree is made up with the ornament I give my son every year for his birthday and ornaments that hold a special place in my heart.   My tree is the one that I make all matchy matchy and do a specific color scheme on.  
Our Christmas is very relaxed.  Pajamas for days and lots of good food and company.  This Christmas is made even more special this year as its my first Christmas as a grandmother, (so that made shopping really easy) there is nothing more exciting then shopping in the baby section!
I decided to do a ornament instead of a card for my 13 days of Christmas project
  Since I'm admittedly obsessed with La-La Land Crafts images I knew It would be such a cute addition to my tree.  

I had some empty fillable ornaments that I added white nuvo drops
to the outside in a polka dot pattern.  I glued down a piece of foam to the bottom of the ornament and began arranging and gluing in my die cut pieces and the bunny images.   I had some styrofoam balls that I glued around the images in rows.   As a layer dried I would lay down more glue and add more balls until I had all the bottom of the images covered. 

This was such a easy and fun project to create and It looks so sweet hanging from my tree.

Copic markers
Bunnies - E53,51,50,R11
Snowman - BG0000, Colorless Blender
Hats/Scarves - RV55,17,09

Thank you so much for stopping by to visit! I hope you all have a safe and Merry Christmas! 

Allison Arbour


  1. Lovely scene in this fun ornament, I've never made one and yours is fantastic.

  2. Soo very cute. Love it. Congrats on bring a grandma..its the best

  3. Love the snowglobe. Those big eyes
    bunnies are darling. Have fun
    shopping for that grandbaby. They
    grow up way to fast.
    thanks for sharing.

  4. What a darling ornament! love the little scene you created with those cute bunnies!
    Congrats on your first grandchild! Very exciting time!

  5. Oh my gosh, this is so so cute. The bunnies are adorable, and the simple snowman is really sweet. The addition of snow is just too cute!!! I am loving your posts. They are really getting me in the mood for Christmas.

  6. Soooo cute❤. Thank you. Enjoy your holidays ans congratulations for the grandchild❤

  7. What a darling ornament, so cute! Congrats on being a Grandmother. It is fun to shop for the little ones.

  8. Awesome idea and super cute love it!!!

  9. Really adorable! Enjoy your first Christmas as a grandma!

  10. I love the christmas ornament. Supper fun and cute.

  11. This is great! Love the bunnies!!!!

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