Inspiration MONDAY

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Tutorial Thursday - Reverse Stamping

Hi everyone! Tina here with this weeks La-La Land Crafts Thursday Tutorial. 

Ok, we all love using our La-La Land Craft stamps. They are such good quality, stamp perfectly and they are super cute! 

What if you could make a reverse image with your rubber stamp? Did that grab your attention? 

All you need is your La-la-Land Crafts stamp, (I am using Tropical Marci from the April Club Kit), Stamp pad of your choice, a silicone mat, 3"x4" piece of cardstock of your choice and stamping block. 

Lay out the silicone mat. Ink your stamp. And get your cardstock ready. 

Once you have your stamp inked. Stamp it onto the silicone mat. 

Make sure you do not move the stamp around at all. Put it on the mat and pick it straight up. 

You will be able to see the image slightly on the mat. 

Lay the cardstock on top of the silicone mat, over the stamped image. Gently run your hands over the stamped image.

Viola! You have a reversed stamp! 

Now Tropical Marci can be sitting on the beach having drinks with a friend! 

To paper piece the swimsuit of the reversed image you would repeat the steps above and replace the white cardstock with a patterned cardstock. Then fussy cut the swimsuit =) 

Stay tuned to see the project that I make with these two cutie pies!

Have a good day!

Tropical Marci was colored with the following Copic markers

Skin: E04, E21, E11, E00, E000, E0000, R20
Hair: Blond: E31, E50 Red: E25, E09, E08, YR14
Coconut: E29, E25, E35

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  1. Great idea Tina! Was wondering the best way to reverse stamp.

  2. Amazing, thank you for sharing. Now I need a silicone mat

  3. Fab idea... need to give this a go! Thank you x
