Inspiration MONDAY

Thursday, August 4, 2016

How to Color Paper Doll Marci's Hair

Hello !

Céline here with Tutorial Thursday. Today I will show you how I color Paper Doll Marci's hair.
Recently I was asked on how I color it so I've decided to share my little experience.

I'm using Paper Doll Marci Sweetheart.
I've stamped her with memento tuxedo black on Neenah paper.

I use copic markers

I always start by coloring skin first.
Using E13, 11, 21, 00, 000, R21, 20, 00

Ok, let' go for the hair...
My favourite combo is : E59, 57, 55, 53

First I draw the parting with my lightest color E53.
As you can see I changed my line because I wanted it more curved, you can change your mind because it will go away during the coloring process.

Then, with E59 (darkest color), I start to draw hair one by one, I use the extremity of my nib.
I always turn my image, I colour going towards me, but you can do it in the opposite direction, depending on what works best for you.
Don't be regular, that will give a great shading to your hair.
Add highlights until you are satisfied

Then,  repeat the process with E57.
Always leave white space between the left and right side (you can correct the shading at the end)

Repeat  with E55
Now your highlights cross.

Now I go on with my lightest color E53.
I don't cover all the white space, I leave some for more shading.

Now I repeat the process by going back using E55, E57 then E59 and to finish E53.
Adding some highlights here and there.
It allows you to correct some wrong highlights.

For the pigtails, I repeat exactly the same process.




Then go back : E55, 57, 59, and to finish E53

And here is my completely coloured image
Using ; R89, 85, 83, 81, 39, 46, 29, 27, 24 for clothes and shoes

And of course I've made a card using this gorgeous stamp

That's all from me today, hope you like my tutorial.
If you have any question I would be happy to help.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tutorial, I need more practice coloring hair this way :)
