Inspiration MONDAY

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Tutorial Thursday - Post it notes holder

Today I'm sharing with you a tutorial on how to make a quick gift - a post it note holder. You can make these cute holders for different occasions like Birthday, Christmas, Thank you ... Having a few post it notes and a pencil in a bag is always a good idea. We often come across a situation where we would need something to write and a piece of paper, that's why these holders are perfect. 
I got the idea from the internet. I made a few changes, added some things and make it mine.
Soooo ... here is the tutorial. I hope you'll like it.

What you need:
white cardstock  
craft cardstock
design paper
stretch ribbon or lace
2 eyelets

corner rounder
scoring board
scor tape 

la-la land crafts items you need:

Step 1:
Cut white cardstock at 3.5" x 7.5". Take your scoring board and score at 3 1/8", 3 1/2" and 3 7/8". You'll see that the first part is shorter than the other one.

Step 2:
Fold at the middle score line. Take your scissors and make the first cut at 1 2/8" and the other one at 2 2/8". Cut from the fold to the score line!!! (see picture) The distance between two cuts is 1". Fold like shown on the picture. You now have the base for the holder.

Step 3:
Cut 4 rectangles from design paper of your choice. I used Maja design - Summertime collection. The size of rectangles is 3 5/8" x 3.5" (you need 2 of these) and 3 1/8" x 3,5" (you need two of these).

Take a corner rounder and cut off the corner on the outside lines of the base. Do the same with the design paper rectangles.


Step 4:
Adhere the design paper rectangles to the base (only the ones on the outside!!!). Then take your crop-a-dile and make two holes at the end of the longer side of the holder. The center of the holes is 5/8" from the outer edge and 1/2" from the top and the bottom. Place the eyelets into the holes and sqeeze with your crop-a-dile.

Step 5:
Take your stretch ribbon or lace and put it through the eyelets and adhere it on the inside of the holder. Put a lot of score tape on the last rectangle and adhere it over the inside the holder so that the lace leftovers are not seen anymore.

Place some score tape on the inside of the folder middle (look at the picture). Then after you adhered the design paper rectangle you adhere those two folds to the design paper.

You can see here how it looks like after you adhered everything.

Step 6:
We have our base done so it's time for some decorating. Cut out three circles. One scalloped circle from design paper, one stitched circle from craft cardstock and one stitched circle from watercolour paper. Colour the biggest rose from Life is sweet set. I used Distress markers. When you are cutting this one out make sure that the image is on the top of the circle.

Take Life is sweet sentiment from the same stamp set. Stamp it on craft cardstock and cut it out with your scissors. Then place it on the small piece of design paper and cut out just a bit bigger rectangle arround it.

Step 7:
Adhere watercolour circle to the craft circle and craft circle to the scalloped circle. Adhere sentiment on the design paper rectangle. Then take your holder and glue the scalloped circle to the center of the front. Then take your sentiment and adhere it under the coloured image (see picture). The last thing to do is to adhere stick it notes to the inside of the holder, add a pencil or small pen and that's it. Easy, right?

.... the inside ...

... closed with the stretch ribbon or lace. :)

That's it for today! I hope you like my tutorial.
Hugs, t.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the tutorial! Love the pencil holder and the stretch closer.
