Inspiration MONDAY

Monday, October 19, 2015

Inspirational Monday - For A Friend

Hi Everyone its Jennifer here and  hope you all had a lovely weekend.
I am here with Team Mondays amazing creations and the theme for the week

''For A Friend''

Enjoy the inspiration!

Stamp - Heart Key Marci

Face - E000, E00, E11, E08, R00
Hair - E13, E15, E18
Outfit - V01, V09, V12, V15, V17, E13, E15, E18
Key - YR02, YR04, YR07, YR09

Skin - E50 E51 E11 E21 R00 R20

Hair -  E30 E31 E33

Dress Crown -  B21 B23 B24 B28

Stamp - Chickadee Marci

Skin - E50, E51, E53, E55, R20, R11
Hair - E30, E34, E23
Scarf - E71, E74, E77
Coat - 0, C00, C0, C2
Dress - C00, C0, C2
Bird - E40, E21

Skin - E11, E00, E000, R24, R20, R11

Hair - E53, E33, E11, Y21

Clothes - R24, R22, R21, BG45, BG09, C2, C00

Lollipop - Y26, Y21, R24, R22, R21, E44, BG45, BG09


Stamp -  Watercan Marci
Die - Postage Stamp

Skin - E11, E00, E0000, R30 HAIR: E37, E33, E30
 Dress, Visor - Y19, Y15, Y11 BOOTS: Y19, Y15, Y11, YG67, YG17, YG03
 Watering Can - YG67, YG17, YG03
 Bee - Y19, Y15, Y11, C6, C4, C2, C0, BG15, BG000
 Flower - BG15, BG000

Face - E000, E00, E04, E11, E21, R20
Hair - E31, E33, E35, Y21
Dress, Headband, Plate - RV00, RV81, RV83, RV85
Cake - RV00, RV02, RV81, Y21, YR23, B00, B01, BG02

 Also don't forget to join in all the La-La Land Crafts fun by adding
your creations to our Facebookpage and Twitter and for
more Inspiration we are now on Pinterest.

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