Inspiration MONDAY

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

New Release Showcase- Day 3!!

Hello and welcome back to April 2014 New Release Showcase!
It's Sue here to share with you the glorious Day 3 creations from Team Wednesday Ladies, using some of our brand new goodies!
You can see them all below if you haven't already ogled over them in the last 2 days, you can find them all in the shop here
I'm sure you will find a favourite or 5 in this release, loads of new stamps, heaps of dies, 4 new project kits and some newbies perfect Mixed media guru's, however good for any occasion!
I can hear your wish list groaning already!!!

Ok, let's get on with the show........

Let's check out the gorgeous creations from the Wednesday team....

Project Kit: Bird House

Project Kit: Piano Box 

Hope you have enjoyed today's showcase of the new goodies, Team Friday will share their creativity with you for Day 4, make sure you pop back in tomorrow

Thanks for stopping in, see you back again tomorrow

Sue & Team Wednesday

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