Inspiration MONDAY

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Home Decor - Altered Shadow Box

 Hi! It's Sandie here and today I want to share with you a home decor project made for my daughter's bedroom using some of the NEW La-la Land Crafts 3D Shadow Box kits

This is actually a mix of 2 shadowbox kits - the Lamp Post Shadow Box Kit and the Wings & Crown Shadow Box Kit

How I did it: 
1) I assembled the Shadow Box before painting it all white using acrylic paint, then I set it aside to dry. 
2) While it was drying I painted the accessories pink and/or white and used a heat gun to dry them. Then I heat embossed them with clear gloss embossing powder. 
3) Once the frame had dried I used a grunge stamp with Victorian Velvet ink and stamped on all sides. 

4) Taking the Bird Cage, Large Flourish, Rolled Rose Sm/Med and Scalloped Border dies I cut out the elements for my layout using card and patterned papers. 
5) I layered up all of my elements, adding the photograph. 
6) I finished off by adding some white pearls in the centre of the roses and around the frame.

You can find the whole range of 3D Project Kits HERE and all of the Dies HERE in the store. 

Thanks for dropping by!

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