Inspiration MONDAY

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Tutorial Thursday-Plaid with Rosie

Hi everyone! It's Rosie here with an easy-peasy plaid tutorial. I've received a lot of questions on how I make the plaid on my La-La Land Crafts images so here it is. Now, this is only my 2nd tutorial ever, so hopefully it's okay (I tend to over-think things!). My plaid technique is really not difficult, and I probably over-explained it here. However, I know for me personally, the more pictures...the better! :)

First, I pick 2 color families I want to use. Then, I pick a light color and a dark color from each 4 markers total. You could add more colors, but when you are working in smaller spaces 2 colors seem to work best.. For this tutorial, I used these colors: R81, R85, G24, and G28.

For my image, I used Popsicle Marci. She can be purchased HERE.

I start with the lightest this case R81.

I make diagonal lines going one way leaving room between the lines. You want to make sure you don't put the lines too close because we'll be filling in the spaces with additional lines.

Next, I turn my image and make diagonal lines going the other way with the same color, R81.

Now, I pick the next lighter color in the 2nd color family, G24.

I add G24 in between my R81 lines.
I turn my image again and add G24 going the other way.

Now, we are going to start adding our darker lines. I started with R85.

This requires a steady and light hand. If you press your marker too hard then you won't get the thin outer line. I generally use several short strokes with the marker to make the complete line. I outline each side of R81 with R85.

Here you can see both sides of the lighter pink (R81) outlined with the darker pink (R85).

Then, I grab the darker green, G28.

Again, with a steady and light hand, I outline the light green lines on both sides.

That's it....easy peasy, right?!! Here's my image all colored up! People always think I've paper-pieced it, but now you know the secret. :)

Here are a couple of pictures using Back to School Luka with the same technique.

I hope you enjoyed my tutorial and I can't wait to see all of you trying this technique on your La-La Land Crafts projects!!

Have a great week and don't forget to check back here tomorrow for more "Sweet Treats" Inspiration from Team Friday!!

Rosie :)


  1. Your plaid rocks and so does your tutorial. X

  2. oh wow Rosie this is fabUUUUlous! I'm going to give this a go very soon.
    Thanks for sharing
    Anne x

  3. This is great - will have to give it a try!

  4. WAUWIE......what a great tutorial. I will have to give it a try.
    Hugs Sas

  5. This is so cute! Thanks for the tutorial! I will have to try it out! I love all the different colored samples.

  6. Fabulous! Thank-you so much for this great technique, Denyse x

  7. Awesome tutorial Rosie! Thanks!!

  8. Wow her plaid shirt looks amazing! Wonderful tutorial tfs.

  9. So cute wish I could color like you must practise

  10. WOW - these are fab! Thanks for the tutorial!

  11. Love it! Thanks so much for the tutorial. :)

  12. Kiitos Rosie :) Thanks so much !

  13. wow!! rosemary this is amazing! great work :D

  14. Awesome tutorial, easy to follow and excellent photos!! Can't wait to try it out!! TFS

  15. Awesome tutorial! Thanks so much for all the pix! Hugs :) Kimberly

  16. Awesome, awesome tutorial. I would have never guessed it was only your 2nd. I hope you do more!!! These cards are amazing. Now I just need to learn to color/shade better! ;)

  17. Fabulous tutorial!! Thanks so much!!

  18. ROSIE! You rocked it! Love this tutorial, I am always in awe of crafters who do amazing things with copics. :) Beautiful job - I happen to love plaid!!

  19. Oh my gosh, what a great tutorial! Thanks for sharing! ;)

  20. Fabulous! What a great idea. Love the step by step pictures and all the variety in your choices.

  21. You always do excellent work! Send me some of your talent. My card making mojo needs a serious boost! Love you!

  22. I love the plaid. I have never seen anyone do it before. I will be trying this.

  23. Awesome Tutorial Rosie.. I hope I can try them with my pencils.. Great Job


  24. AMAZING coloring...thanks so much for the tutorial but mine will never look as good as yours does!
    the PaperTemptress

  25. Your coloring is amazing! Thanks for sharing!

  26. Fantastic tutorial Rosie, thanks for sharingX:)

  27. Fantastic tutorial, can't wait to give this a go :)

  28. You had me until the ultra fine lines - I really HAVE to practice being light handed - LOL. AWESOME tutorial Rosie xXx

  29. Thank you for the awesome tutorial. I will have to try this.

  30. This will be a great help in my road to using copies. Great step by step instructions! Now to practice.

  31. Great tutorial. I just tried it on a scrap piece of paper - you have an amazing steady hand - your lines looks like you drew them with a ruler - amazing job.

  32. You are all so amazing!! Thank you so much for your awesome comments! You really know how to make a girl feel great! Hugs, Rosie :)
