Inspiration MONDAY

Friday, February 22, 2013

Inspirational Friday - About a Boy!

Hi There Everyone!!

Its Karen here, for your Inspirational Friday this week, and this week's theme is All About a Boy - namely Luka!!

I'm sure you have seen some beautiful work by the Inspirational Monday team already but now.... its our turn! so lets check it out!!

Copic Colours
Skin: E11/21, YR000, BV20
Hair: E29/27/25
Outfit: G29/46, BV29,Y26, E31/34
Background: YG97/67/25/01/91, G43, R39/37/35, YR09, B000, W1/7, N6, E79/77/74/43/42/13

Stamp Used: Bath Time Luka

Hair - E44, E42, E41
Skin- E21, E00, E000, R20
Bathtub B00, B000, BV000, C5, C3, C0
Sail Boat, B95, B91, R39, R27, R22
Bath Scrub – G80, G21, G00, Y26, Y21

Stamp Used: Best Friends Luka

Copic Markers Used:
Skin: E13, E11, E00, E0000, R20, R30
Hair: E50, E53, E43, E57
Clothes: E70, E71, E74, E77, E79, YR12, YR14, YR16, YR18, E81
Tuffy: E37, E35, E34, E33, E30, R24, Y38

Stamp Used: Luka with Crayons

Skin: E0000, 000, 00, 21
Hair: E21, 23, 25, 29
Clothes: B93, 95, 97, 99, BG000, 02, 05, 07, 09, W0, 1, 3
Book: E50, 51, 53
Crayons: B32, 34, 37, E44, R29, 24, Y11, 15, 19, YR14, 18
Background: BG000, E41, W1, 3
"DPs": B06, 34, 37, BG45

Stamp Used: Beach Luka

Copics Used -
Skin - E11, E00, E000, R20, R11
Hair - E51, E33, E31, YR31
Clothes - BG13, BG11, BG10, C2, C00
Sand Castle, Bucket and Spade - Y19, Y15, Y13, Y11, YR23

Stamp Used:  Lil Rocker Luka

CopicsSkin - E000, E00, E11, R11 & R20
Hair - E50, E51, E53 & Prisma Pencil Burnt Ochre
Hat and shirt - BG10, BG13, BG15, C00, C0, C1
Jeans - B19, B93 & B95
Guitar - E50, E51, E55 & E59

Stamp Used: Summer Luka

Skin: E000, E00, E11, R01, R02,
Hair: E30, E31, E33, E35, E37
Bathers: BG01, BG02, BG05, BG09
Floaties/Flippers: Y32, Y35, Y38
Floaty Ring: YG00, YG03, YG06, YG09
Snorkel/Goggles: R14, R17, R27

And don't forget you can join in the fun here at La-La Land Crafts by adding your creation to the Customer Gallery Customer Gallery , Facebook page and Twitter

Karen and the LLLC Design Team

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