Inspiration MONDAY

Monday, November 19, 2012

Inspiration Monday - Give Thanks

Hi everyone!
 Welcome to another La La Land Crafts Inspiration Monday.

The theme to inspire you to play along with us this week is....
" Give Thanks"

We would love for you to make a thank you card.
As my days on the La-La Land Crafts Design Team is coming to an end I would like to dedicate my thank you card to Irina and the whole La La team.
 I feel so lucky to have been a part of this wonderfully inspirational team.
So thank you from the bottom of my heart!

I would also like to say a huge thank you to all of you, our LLLC followers.  Your wonderful comments and on going support makes our job so worth while.

Enough mushy stuff as my girls would say, and on to Team Monday's inspirational cards.

First up is 
Copics used:
skin-E000, E00, E1,1 E02
hair-E5,0 E5,1 E53
dress-R30, R32, W2

Debra James made clever use of the Filigree Corner die

Kim Dellow used
Prismacolor pencils - 
seashell pink, pink, deco pink, peach, henna, burnt ochre, golden rod, apple green

Renee Ludlow (that's me) used
Copics Used:
Skin-E000, E00, E11, R20
Hair-E31, E35, E15
Clothes- B91, B95, B99, YG21, YG25, R14, R29, C3, C5
Pie-Y02, E02, E11

Copics Used:
Skin-E00, E11, R20
Hair-Y21, Y23
Clothes- B10

Rosie Bridges used Pilgrim Luka
DIES: Butterflies Set 1, Filigree Corner, & Wave Border
Skin: E000, E00, E01, E11
Hair: YR31, YR23
Hat: E47, E44, E43, YR24, YR23, YR21, C7, C5, C3
Shirt: G28, G24, G21, E47, E44, E43, C7, C5, C3
Pants: E47, E44, E43
Shoes: C7, C5, C3, YR23, YR21
Basket: E55, E53, E51, R29, R24

Be sure to stop back by on Friday for more inspiration from the Friday team!

In addition, you might want to check out the La-La Land Crafts Company page and Group page on Facebook. We also have atwitter feed! If you haven't joined our groups yet, you might want to think about it because these are the places Irina announces special sales! :)

Don't forget that we would love to see your La-La Land Crafts creations!! Be sure to link them up to the Customer Gallery for a chance to win a prize.

Have a great week!
Renee and the LLLC Design Team