Inspiration MONDAY

Friday, November 9, 2012

Inspiration Friday - Fall Colors

Good morning and Happy Friday! It's Sandie here today and I am hostess for this weeks Inspiration Friday. This week our inspiration theme is ...


Here is what the fabulously talented Team Friday have created

Stamps: Koala Luka

Coloured with Copic:
Skin: E 21-51-50 and E93 for cheeks
Hair: E49, E59-57-55-51
Koala: W5-3-1-0, E93
Shorts: YG 97-95-93-91
Shirt: E53-51-50 and E42-41
Shoes: YR14-24, E35-33-31

Stamps: Mod Marci

Distress Inks:
 Tattered Rose, Antique Linen, Tea dye, Rusty Hinge,
Gathered Twig, Frayed Burlap Barn Door & Walnut Stain

Stamps:  Outlaw Luka 

Copic Markers:
Skin: E000, E00, E11, R20
Hair: E71, E74, E79
Clothes: B91, B93, B95, B97. YG91, YG93, YG95. Y21, Y26, Y28. E42, E43, E44
Tricycle - E07, E09, E18. YR23, YR24, YR27. C1, C9.

Stamps: Autumn Marci

Copics Used-
E11,E21,E00,E50,R20,W3 R22,R24,R27, YR27,YR61,
G40,G43,G46, E57,E55,E53,E51,E41,E42, E40,E43,E30

Debbie P
Stamps: Luka on Sled
Dies: Filigree Corner Die

Copics Used -
Skin - E21, E11, E00, E000, R20, R11
Hair - YR31, E33, E31
Clothes - E09, E08, YR27, YR24, YG99, YG95, YG91, E59, E57, E55, T4, T2, T0
Sled - E08, YR27, YR24, YR21, W5, W3, W00
Tuffy the Dog - R27, R11, E40, E39, E33, E30, gold smooch

Stamps: Rose Faerie Marci 
Dies: Tulip border and Filigree Corner

Copic Markers:
Skin: E000, E00, E11, R01, R02,
Hair: E02, E11, E13, E15, E19
Y21, Y32, Y35, Y38, YR61, YR63, YR68, E07. YG61, YG63, YG67, G99

Stamps: Cheeky Monkey Marci
Dies: Frightful Fence

Copic Markers
Skin: E000, E00, E11, R20
Hair: E42, E43, E44
Yellow: Y21, YR31, YR24
Green: YG61, YG63, YG67
Grey: W00, W1, W3

Thanks for dropping by today. I hope you enjoyed our Friday Inspiration showcase. We will be back on Monday with a new theme so be sure to pop back then.

You might want to check out the La-La Land Crafts Company page and Group page on Facebook. We also have a twitter feed! This is where all of our special announcements and sales are posted first so be sure to sign up!!

Don't forget that we would love to see your La-La Land Crafts creations too. Be sure to link them up to the Customer Gallery for a chance to win a prize.

Have a great week!
Sandie & Team Friday

1 comment:

  1. I like very much all the designs. So beautiful!
    Thanks a lot!
