Inspiration MONDAY

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

BLOG CANDY - Support La-La Land Crafts KIDS

As you probably already know, a couple of months ago we started another La-La Land Crafts blog, the one that is FOR KIDS and BY KIDS.  We call it La-La Land Crafts For Kids.  This blog was started with the idea to have a place for children to share their love to create with our stamps.  We have a page there where you can read about our wonderful Hostesses - we got four girls of ages 8 to 12 who share their creativity with you by posting their projects on the blog frequently.  We have bi-weekly contests for children too!!  And, everyone who participates earns some Marci Money!!   How fun is that?

Now you must have be wondering what all of this has to do with the BLOG CANDY :-)  Well, we would like to get more exposure to our new blog to show children that their work is being seen.  Please show them your support by displaying our LLLC4Kids Badge on your blog, join our Facebook page and most of all please visit our LLLC4Kids often and leave them some love by commenting on the posts and contest entries.

Our Blog Candy today is nothing else but our last rubber stamp release!!  Yep, one lucky person will WIN ALL eight STAMPS from our October 2011 Release!!

Here is what we ask you to do:

1. Grab the code (below the picture) for our LLLC4Kids Badge and display it on the sidebar of your Blog.
Come Join the Fun!

2. Subscribe to our LLLC4Kids Blog.  Click HERE.

3. Join our LLLC4Kids Facebook Page.  Click HERE.

4. After completing as many things as you can do from the above, please leave a comment on this post to enter into the drawing.

You have until October 31st to enter.  We will announce the WINNER here on our blog on November 1st.

Thank you so much in advance for your support!!

:) Irina


  1. All those things are done! So fun to have the blog for the kids!!

  2. I put the kids badge on my sidebar, posted candy on my sidebar. I don't do much on Facebook for safety reasons. I subscribed to the kids blog, and I will keep watch and comment on it for them. I don't have kids at home, but I can support those on the blog! Thanks for the chance! I'm happy to help encourage our children in blogland :O) Thank you!

  3. I have done all 3 items above. My kids are hoping to join in soon.

  4. I have done it all. Please Irina pick me. Your stamps are so amazing and to have all 8 new releases. It's Christmas in October =)

  5. Great Contest Irina. Good luck to all who enter. I look forward to seeing everyone drop in and share their children's artwork!

    Good Luck!

  6. Awesome Irina!! The kids would love to get more exposure and comments *Ü* THANK YOU for doing this awesome blog candy. I'll post this to my blog right now! :)

  7. Wow this is a fantastic idea, I can not wait to show my niece. She loves to come over and craft with me. I a new follower of the new LLLC4Kids blog and have posted the badge on my blog. I do not have facebook. Thank you for the chance to win these amazing new stamps...

  8. Seeing as my boys won't sit still long enough yet to do more projects,I'll need to show my nieces, and maybe get them some stamps for Christmas.

  9. ETA- I've subscribed, liked and posted to my blog- Thanks!

  10. Done! I've done all three tasks, hehe. I don't have kids, yet. But I'm gonna start watching/babysitting my niece-in-law, she's 3 yrs old, next month so for sure I'm gonna get her to craft with me and color some La La Land stamp images, hehe.

  11. So excited to get to know this blog candy. Great, I've done all. Wish I can have the chance to win the blog candy as my birthday present (my birthay on Oct 30)and get a start on my La La Land Craft Journey. I've been waiting for long long time. Thanks Auntie Irina for having such great chance for us.

  12. I have completed requests ... my daughter is only 2 so not quite ready for this ... but I do stamp images for her to colour ... so maybe I'll enter some of her work lol!

  13. Shakira, Charlotte & Indiana just love the kids blog and visit all the time. They would just love to win the blog candy. They love the badge,so cute.

  14. I have gladly done all 3 that you've asked. It is my pleasure. These girls are amazing!

  15. I've subscribed and also put the badge on my blog. I'm not into facebook. I love supporting kids and their crafts - they have some awesome ways and new ways to think of things! Thanks for the chance to win these stamps too!

  16. done, done, done...I Love La-La's!!!!

  17. Wow I had no idea the kids blog even existed!! My sons will be excited that there is another challenge blog that they can put their cards on!! Fabulous!! HUgsxx

  18. I have done all 3, great to get exposure for the Kids!! Excellent work.

  19. Such a great idea! All done for the Kids! Thanks for everything you do for all of us!

  20. I have done all 3 steps! It's a nice idea! :-)

  21. WOW how exciting!!!! All 3 done, the kiddies blog is soooo cute!!!! Thanks so much for being such a wonderful company!!!!

  22. The stamps are so sweet. I put the badge into my sidebar, I'm subscribed to the kids-blog and the kids-Facebook fanpage. Thanks for the chance to win this cuties.

    Hugs, Uta

  23. This is suh a great idea to get kids more crafty instead of video games! I love it! I did all of the above! Thanks CallyAnn

  24. What talented girls they are. I will have to get Mr5 onto some of their challenges, he LOVES to stamp with mummy! I've subscribed to the blog and the Facebook page (and shared the link as well :)).

  25. Check, check and check. I will show this to my 5 year old - she often sits and crafts with me. Will try and get a La La image asap (finances permitting lol) I am sure she'll want to join in. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction and for a chance to win. Your stamps are adorable and sooo right for kids - easy and fun to colour.

    Hugs, Mette

  26. Hi there I have just subscribed to your newsletter for your kids challange blog (my Mum loves your digis and found the blog). I have got your badge on my blog but I am not allowed to have a facebook page yet coz I'm only 8 years old. I love Marci and Luka and I can't wait to enter your challanges. Isabella

  27. Wow! Very talented kids! Love all the projects on the crafts for kids blog. There is good info for adults too! I'm looking forward to seeing what other fun projects they come up with. I have done all of the steps listed above. Thanks for the chance to win!

  28. Hi!
    I did all of the above :)
    Hope to win because my daughter wants to participate in the challenges but we don´t have any of your stamps...
    Thanks for the chance.

  29. Thanks for a wonderful opportunity to win your October releases. I own a number of your digi stamps (it's all about instant gratification isn't it? lol) and my daughter and I love to sit down and colour them together. Have done all three steps and thanks again ... I'm off to check out your "big kids" challenge lol ...Julie :D

  30. I am so excited to see the kids blog. I can't wait to have my kids work on some craft projects and get ideas from this blog. Thanks for creating a blog for kids. I have done all three steps above.

  31. What a great blog you have to get kids crafting - my son loves to make cards with me, so I definitely be showing him this.

    Thanks for the chance to win some of your gorgeous stamps - I've done all the things required.


  32. I finally was able to get your badge on my blog which I just recently created!!! My daughters are so excited about this opportunity to win the whole set of stamps.....and I so hope we win!!!!!

    Nazia Johnsen

  33. What a wonderful idea to get the kids creating :)My kids love your stamps as much as I do!!! I will have to enter some of their creations on your blog. I have completed all the requests - what fabulous blog candy you are offering!!! Got my fingers and toes crossed - would love to win this awesome collection.

  34. OMG what a lovely candy!
    I've done everything you want me to,sooo.
    Here I am sitting with my fingers and toes crossed!

    Candy in my blog too ♥

  35. All done. What a cute set of stamps. Can't wait to see what to see what comes out next. Keep them coming.

  36. I subscribed to the blog and facebook and as I don't have my own blog I'm finished. As always your stamps are amazing. And to do this for kids is a wonderful idea. Great Job!
    Anjanette Sibley

  37. I subscribed to blog and facebook and added the badge to my blog....What an awesome idea for kids and creating with your awesome stamps!! Thanks for a chance to win!!!

    Leslie :)

  38. As a mom of a 7 year old boy who loves to design with me I've done all of the above and think it's an amazing idea to give the kids a place to network. Thanks for the chance to win.

  39. My daughter has had such fun entering the challenge and receiving sweet comments on my blog - and of course earning Marci money!! I have the link on my blog sidebar and follow on Facebook and the LLLC4Kids blog. :)


    I have done all 3 items above
    Thanks hugs Iako

  41. I did it! Love to win these stamps...Yay!

    -Jonvee Manzon

  42. I did all of this! Love these cute stamps. Would love to win some pretty pleeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!

    stampsnews at gmail dot com

  43. What an amazing candy up for grabs in support of the kids! I have placed the badge on the sidebar of my blog plus have subscribed to the kids page - I'm already a follower on Facebook :-)

    Jayne xx

  44. What a fab idea to have started a blog for kids! Have followed all your requests. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win this gorgeous collection. Will be keeping fingers & toes crossed lol! Lotsa luv, hugs xxxx

  45. These stamps and this release are toooooo cute for words!! Thanks for the opportunity to win them!

  46. Marci & Luka are a HUGE fav in our house. My Miss 5 thinks they are sooooo cute :). Thank you for the opportunity for some candy. I have done all you requested and with pleasure. Thank you.

  47. What a great idea having a blog for kids. My 13 year old will love this! I have put the badge on my blog, subscribed, and I "liked" this on Facebook. I'm assuming the "liked" is how I join the Facebook page.

  48. Hi irina, this is a fantastic idea having the blog for the kids...I'm sure it would make them feel berry special! Thanks for the chance at the gorgeous prize, hugz ashlee

  49. I did all three! It is nice to see children getting creative and having fun!! Thanks for the chance!

  50. thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity! I do like to join this fantastic giveaway!
    Unfortunately I do not have facebook, but I have the link on my side bar installed ..

  51. I did all three things.Thanks for the wonderful give away.

  52. I subscribed. I don't have facebook or a blog. I hope I can still have a chance to win...

    diana s
    Hurst tx

  53. Thankd for this candy!
    You are on my sidebar:

  54. Has the winner been announced???
