Inspiration MONDAY

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Blog Hop WINNER!!!

Anticipation, anticipation!!  

But let me first thank all of you who took time in your busy days to hop through all of our blogs and to leave your wonderful comments!!  Really appreciated!!

We are already working on the new Marci and Luka images and hope that you will love them just as much as you love the ones from our first year :-)  I wish I could show you some already, really!!

Well..  Without further ado...  The random comment to win is..




Congatulations Kathlene!!  You are the WINNER!!!!  

Here is what Kathlene said in her comment:

Kathlene said... 60
Happy Birthday! Your images are all adorable, but after hopping and enjoying all the beautiful creations, I have to say Mermaid Marci is my fave! Got you on my blog, thanks for the chance to win this awesome gift package.
Congrats Kathlene!!  Please email us your mailing address and we will get your goodies out to you :-)

To everyone else, thanks again!!  

:) Irina


  1. Congratulations on winning such a GREAT prize from such a GREAT company!

  2. Congratulations!
    Have fun.

    Hugs Anja

  3. COngrats Kathlene! Enjoy your AWESOME gift!


  5. Oh, my dearest Friend - CONGRATULATIONS (you're, right - you certainly have the "luck")!!! Welcome to Copic-land - can't wait for you to use your prize.

  6. OMIGOSH!!!!! I won???? I can't believe it. I've been wanting to try Copics for the longest time but I've already invested in Prismacolor pencils so I've been reluctant to spend the money. I get to try Copics now! Thank you sooooo much!
