Inspiration MONDAY

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dress Up Marci available NOW!

Happy Saint Patrick's Day ! Jana here, and I hope you've all got your green on today, Marci sure does! I just LOVE this new Marci. Who didn't love to dress up when they were little? And wearing mommy's shoes? Always the best!! I actually colored this image at my Copic certification class, and Jennie helped me with it!! Cool, huh??

I knew I wanted to color her purple and green to match this fabulous Pixie-licious paper, and thought it was fabulous when I saw Irina had used very similar colors for the packaging. Notice the pearls I added to her necklace? I thought it would give her a little more dimension.

I colored the rose with my copic airbrush system, and colored the ribbon with a marker so it would all match. The card is a little bigger than I usually like to make, it's a full 6 by 6, but I wanted to take advantage of this fabulous paper, which really reduced the number of layers needed.

Now after you go download the newest digis, be sure to link up your creations on our customer gallery page, and you could WIN more La-La Land stamps! What are you waiting for?

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