Inspiration MONDAY

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Best Wishes for 2011 from Darling Marci

Hi everyone - GDT Debbie here on the first day of 2011 - wow! I'm sure you've met this gorgeous new image from La-La Land Crafts here before, but in case you missed it her name is Darling Marci. She is the first seated Marci and I just LOVE her. Marci and I would like to wish all of you out there in blogland all the very best for 2011 - I hope it's a great year!

I used the gorgeous Basic Grey Kioshi paper pad and paper pieced Marci's dress. The layout is last week's Friday Sketchers sketch #134, and even though I'm too late for the challenge I felt the sketch was too fabulous NOT to use! Her cute little party shoes are all glittered up for New Year's.

You can buy Marci and Luka as a digis here on the blog or get them as  a rubber stamp in the store

Remember if you create something with any La-La stamps or digis, please share with us in the customer gallery! Once a month we have a Customer Appreciation Day and one of you will win a prize!

And don't forget our HUGE
- check out the details HERE.



  1. Beautiful! I love her paper pieced little dress! Darling Marci is just so darling!

  2. Oh she's BEAUTIFUL Debbie! See, I knew this was your card before looking at the watermark on it =) I know your style... it's lovely!!

  3. Wow...that is absolutely stunning!!! Fabulous job!
