Inspiration MONDAY

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Howdy folks...

Howdy folks, Jana here, and I'm back with another Fancy Marci card today. I just love playing with this little sweetie, and today she is on her own! You can still pick up her Digi image here, and she'll be available in rubber REAL soon, I promise!!I used this week's Mercy Sketch MTSC105 for my layout, along with some more Jovial paper from Basic Grey.

For her dress, I used this fabulous deep red velvet paper that is left over form WAY back when SU! carried it. That was many years (and several moves) ago, so I'm quite impressed that I actually still had some. I love her little velvet dress, although it is a little hard to see the details it's so dark. perhaps next time I need a lighter color.

It's almost I'd better skedaddle and get those cards in the mail! Have a wonderful holiday weekend everyone!!

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