Inspiration MONDAY

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Caroling Luka sings "Joy to the World"!

Good Tuesday to you...Karen's here again, and  I am sharing just one more Caroling Luka card with you today!  Isn't he so adorable as he stands tall, holding his choir book, and singing "Joy to the World" to everyone!!  At this time, I'd like to wish you and very merry & happy hol-la-la-day (smile)!!!

There's still time to upload your December projects to the Customer Gallery for a chance at a prize!!

Enjoy your day!

Hugs & Smiles,

1 comment:

  1. Wow how spectacular is this card!!?? Im in awe of your coloring, and LOVE the candy cane stripes mixed with the sheet music, truly inspired!
