Inspiration MONDAY

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Formal Luka

Hi Guys - it's Debbie here again to bring you a little bit of La-La Land inspiration! I love this little guy - this is Formal Luka and he could be used for sooo many different occasions - for example graduation, a new job, birthday, Christmas. I've left this pretty open as my sentiment is non specific. The DPs are from Basic Grey's Jovial paper pad but the ones I've used aren't just for Christmas and work really well here - I just loved the brightness of the tartan with Luka's suit and tie.

Don't forget Formal Luka and Fancy Marci are available as digis for only a limited time - once the rubber is instore they'll be gone as digis - check them out HERE!

I used last week's Sketch Saturday sketch #130 and rotated it - I know it's too late to enter it there this time, but the sketch was too great NOT to use.
One more reminder.. Irina has a Blog CANDY on her blog right now, check it out!!



  1. And he looks so SPIFFY too! =) Fabulous job with this cutie Debbie! Love it!!

  2. That is fabulous Debbie! The papers are wonderful!

  3. Adorable Debbie...I really love that plaid paper on there!! Reminds me of my grampa's shirts!! :-)

  4. Love this masculine "any occasion" card!
