Inspiration MONDAY

Friday, October 15, 2010

We've got MORE new stamps for you!!!

It's time for even MORE new great Marci and Luka stamps from La-La Land Crafts today! Can you believe we have three more adorable Holiday stamps for you already?? I just know you'll love them!

To celebrate, we have a Blog Hop for you where you can see all the awesome samples from our Design Team showcasing our new stamps!!

If you didn't just finish the sure to go back and start your hop at Irina's blog so you can see the amazing samples the DT has made with this release. And if you didn't already, be sure to comment on EVERY stop of the way because....

For this great new release, we have some amazing Blog Candy to give away. Here what's in it:

~ Spellbinders Shapeabilities 2010 SNOWFLAKE PENDANT ~
~ Basic Grey ESKIMO KISSES paper pad ~
~ Basic Grey TAKE NOTE journaling cards ~
~ Basic Grey POPS layered stickers ~
~ Prima FLOWERS ~

For your chance to win, visit and leave a comment on EVERY blog of the hop. For additional chances, like us on Facebook, and mention our Hop and Blog Candy on YOUR blog (or post to your favorite on-line crafting site!) and then leave us a second comment here on this post letting us know you did that!

The Blog Hop will go through Monday, October 18th, 11:59 pm PST and we will announce the winner on Tuesday.

Now, without further ado, here they are!!!

and here's Santa Marci

Ready to hop?  :-)  You will start at Irina's blog, but here is the whole order for you just in case you get lost along the way..

and then back here to La-La Land Crafts Blog

Done with the Hop?  Now it's time to visit our online store to purchase your new stamps!!!  They are all there, just waiting for you!! 

Click HERE to go shopping  :-) 


  1. The DT gals all did an AMAZING job with these gorgeous characters! They really are adorable! Just have to po back to Shantaie's blog when her post goes up! Glad to find you on FB too - naughty Lisa and Kris should have invited me ;)

  2. Everyone did such a wonderful job. I recently discovered La-La Land and right now my only problem is figuring out which ones to order first. Maybe I'll get lucky and win the lottery and won't have to choose, lol!

  3. A fund blog hop! The DT did an awesome job on the fantastic images! I have fallen in love with all of them. I also posted your great prizes on my blog and liked you on facebook! Thanks for the chance to win!

  4. I am already a FB friend and have added a link on my blog. Thanks!

  5. Love the new stamps and I sure am looking forward to shopping with you today...hehehe....much success with the new releases to you!!!

  6. Wow! What a wonderful blog hop this was! The DT creations were fabulous and these new releases are uber adorable! I can't wait to get my hands on these little people stamps! I'm already a FB fan!

  7. Oh, and I have a post on my blog linking to the blog hop and a photo of the prize pkg! I love the new releases so very much!

  8. Wow! This blog hop was fabulous! Thank you to Irina for creating these Sweet Hearts Kids and to all DT girls for bringing them to life!

  9. Fantastic blog hop with the most adorable Marci and Luka images. Their faces are so sweet! Thoroughly enjoyed the creativity and exceptional talent of the design team.

  10. Your new stamps are wonderful! Can't decide which stamp I like the best. Your design team outdid themselves with some wonderful cards.

  11. Your new stamps georgeos and the cards with these stamps are wonderful!

  12. I've had a blast watching (with my mouth open) all the beatiful work being done by your DT's. They're marvellous!
    Of course I've also liked you on Facebook and mentioned the blog hop on my blog.

  13. What a fun blog hop! Loved seeing the new stamps and the designs from the DT!

  14. OMG...The cards in the blog hop are out of this world!!! Absolutely beautiful!!! Thanks so much for sharing your creativity. I love all the new stamps....In fact, I cannot seem to choose a favorite.

  15. I just discovered these adorable stamps. Can anyone tell me if they are also digital? I thought I saw somewhere they had digital ones, but I only see sentiments in digital.
    Going to go blog hop! :)

  16. These are just GORGEOUS!!! I love the diff. way all the bloggers made them look so sweet! To cute. Thanks somuch love your blog looking forward to that candy> lol!

  17. What a Fun Hop lots of great craft projects. I love the new images so Cute.

  18. Fabulous blog hop!!! Love the new releases everyone did amazing work!
    Thanks so much for the chance to win.

  19. Just left a comment on Facebook! LOVE the new stamps! :)

  20. You didn't have to twist my arm to leave comments! Your design team showed amazing artwork! Very creative & quite inspirational!

  21. These new stamps are so adorable!!! Ice skating Marci is too cute.

  22. Left a message on FB. Love these new stamps.

  23. I am loving these 2 cuties. How can anyone resist Marci and Luka! They melt my heart. <3

  24. Those stamps are adorable. I am just starting the hop so thanks for the giveaway!

    jenlovcarr at aol dot com

  25. Such lovely cards ladies. I love these new stamps, they are so cute. I'm a fan on facebook and I have the blog hop and pic of the candy in my sidebar...whoohoo!!! Thank you:)

  26. Just completed the hop, and all the projects are terrific! Such fabulous choices of papers and embellishments on each item, and the coloring is such a treat for the eyes! Terrific!
    Thanks for sharing the new images with us! Adorable! And thanks for a chance at some wonderful blog candy!

  27. Okee Doke. Just completed the hop. How fun!! It's really wonderful to see how everyone did their cards the same yet different! Great hop!!

  28. Oh Irina, thanks for sending me on my first blog hop. It was WONDERFUL!

    The designers are amazingly talented. Each card was more beautiful than the last!

    I can't wait until payday so I can shop! That is, unless I win... wink wink nudge nudge!!!

  29. Totally awesome. All the cards were beautiful. Keep those inspiring samples coming.

  30. Totally adorable new Christmas stamps! I'm dying to run hop the blogs...

  31. Your DT gals really knocked this one out of the park! These images are too cute for words! They literally shout "holiday" season. Thanks so much for sharing AND for the chance to win some fabulous products!

  32. Gorgeous card from everyone! Love the new Marci and Luka line! So cute!! ;)

  33. What a fun hop! I loved all the cards, and now I can't decide which stamps I want most...I guess I'll have to get them all!

    I 'liked' on facebook and also posted about the hop on my blog!

  34. What a great blog hop! All of the cards were beautiful and I have more inspiration now than I have stamps... Thank you very much for the opportunity to win such a delicious prize package.

  35. I also "liked" the blog hop on facebook and posted the candy on my blog. Thanks again for giving us a chance to win such a great prize package.

  36. WOW!! I had so much fun blog hopping. The talents of the DT are amazing. Your new releases are adorable and I can't wait for the ones I purchased to arrive. I setup my blog and my first posting was about my fun experience participating in your blog hop. We are now also Facebook friends and I know have lots of blogs to go to where I can be inspired. Thank you!!

  37. This was a lot of fun! I enjoyed seeing everyone's projects and can't wait to get paid so I can snag a couple of the darlings for myself! I'm determined to use them on my Christmas Cards this year.

    I've also added on FB and included the blog (and mentioned this awesome blog hop!) on my most recent entry on my blog (I have a couple blogs my profile links to, but the one I posted in was:

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Wow! What a great HOP!! I love all the creations! ENABLERS! LOL! I want them all! I love winter and I love this release!! I "liked" you on Facebook and put a link to my blog! Have a great week and I am now anxiously awaiting the first snowfall!
    Big Hus!

  40. Wow! What a great blog hop! The stamps are beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win.

  41. I just finished the hop and I have to say...WOW, these ladies rocked it!! All the cards/projects were wonderful and so inspiring! I love these new images and have picked up some great ideas for future cards. I hope I win this wonderful prize!! Great job ladies!! Hugs, Rosemary

  42. Hi, it's me again! Just wanted to let you know I'm already a follower on FB, but I just added this candy to my blog:

    Rosemary :)

  43. What a great blog hop!!! Thanks for the chance to win!
