Inspiration MONDAY

Friday, October 29, 2010

Sweet Little Witch Marci

Hey y'all! Lisa popping in to share a card I made for this week's Taylored Expressions Sketch Challenge. I just couldn't resist making one more Halloween card featuring adorable Witch Marci. For awhile there, I thought I was getting burned out on Halloween. Now I'm sad to see the holiday pass because I still have lots of wonderful Halloween images and goodies to play with. How does that happen? LOL

It's a good thing that I can still have lots of fun with the winter Marcis and Lukas!!! I'll be back soon with more to share. In the meantime, I hope you have a la la lovely day!!!


  1. OH WOW Lisa you really are a superb color queen! Your card is beautiful!

  2. Adorable Lisa...LOVE all your stitching on there!!! WOW

  3. Awww, CUTE! Love the sketch and your fun gingham DP! =)

  4. I LOVE THAT TULLE BOW!!! And your gingham paper! Too cute card, Lisa!
