Inspiration MONDAY

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Super Cupcake Sweetie


Hello Shantaie here with Super Cupcake Marci, she is pretty in pink, and even sweeter on this round treat container! She is all decked out in various shades of pink prisma pencils and a splash of glitter to top off her cupcake logo! I did a bit of recycling as the round candy container started life as a laughing cow cheese box, I can never bring myself to throw out those types of containers, they just are so useful in crafting! You can fill this little round with anything from a cupcake shaped gift card {Target},vanilla and strawberry flavored lip gloss or everyones favorite treat CANDY!!!

I found these super cute velvet brads by doodlebug, they are so soft and really cute! I will be ordering these in every color for sure! While I'm letting you in on my shopping trips, check out this fun paper ribbon I found at World Market in the gift wrap section, I'm smitten!!!

I read a quote today that I want to share with you:
"I think of life itself now as a wonderful play that I've written myself, and so my purpose is to have the utmost fun playing my part" ~ Shirley MacLaine

 I plan to have the utmost fun being me, and how much more fun can you get than a hot pink Cupcake super hero? I mean really she is so SUPER cute! 

Thank you Irina and Eric for all the smiles you bring to the world everyday with the adorable La-La Land stamps!


  1. omg! she is super duper cute!!! I hope I can create something as cute as this when I get my super girl in the mail!!! lol lol
    ~Heidi Brawley

  2. Oh Shantaie...she is SUPER cute!! Love that fuzzy brad!! Really great job!

  3. Cute Cute... LOVE those fluffy furry brads!! =) How fun!! And of course Marci is so adorable in PINK. Great candy box Shantaie!

  4. I love your Cupcake Marci card! It's uber adorable!!!

  5. Oh this is so super adorable Shantaie! I love all the pink and the candy box is amazing!
