Inspiration MONDAY

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

LLWWC#49 Winner!

Hi everybody! It's Maureen here and I'm back to post the winner of my Shake It! challenge! A huge thank you to our participants this week!! I know it was a hard challenge and I'm so happy to see that our players made their first shakers ever!! Yay! And now... Drum roll please . . . . The winner is . . .

Kathy with this gorgeous card using Lala with Rose:

Congratulations Kathy! Please email Irina to collect your badge and your $10 gift certificate.

Please join us again later today for the continuing Birthday Beach Bash festivities!



  1. Congrats, Kathy! Your card is very pretty! I love that color combo and your shaker is awesome! I love the flower in the center of it!

  2. WOoo... 2 in a row?! You Go Girl! LOL. Thanks for joining us for these fun challenges! =)
