Inspiration MONDAY

Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 6 - LaLa's Birthday Beach Bash & BLog Hop

Welcome to Day 6 of our week-long Birthday Beach Bash & Blog Hop!!

So are you enjoying this birthday party so far?? I sure am. Lots of creative inspiration and excitement over Irina's new stamp line featuring miss Marci!! Super cute!! And these last couple of days we've had our alumni DT join us for the hops! Fun fun!!

We're posting a new hop every day this week, Aug. 1-9. They are all very short hops, but very worth your time! If you missed out on our past games and hops this week, please CLICK HERE and scroll down through the posts to follow along! Remember to leave comments on all the blogs along the way because there's lots of "mystery party favors" (ie. free stamps) to be given away!!

Our Current Game:
"What did LaLa take to the beach?"

Hop along to these design team members' blogs and find what LaLa has in her hands and then come back to leave your answer back here in your comment!!

Maureen Wong
Sue Kment
Cheryl Valadez
Kristine Breach

LaLa Land Crafts - come back here to leave your answer!

A winner from this game will be drawn TOMORROW for this fabulous prize package, and then our last game will begin. The more you play along and leave comments, the more chances you have at winning!

You could WIN this!!  Please remember to leave comments on all the DT's blogs for more chances to win!!

And here is our little Marci now!! Just a few more days to buy her as a digi in the store before she disappears for a while! *Ü*



  1. I had so much fun on the blog hop... so many beautiful cards! Lala is going to have fun at the beach with her pail & beach ball.... but I'm also going to include her pink headband... because it's so adorable!!!

    Thank you so much for a great time and the chance to win!!!

    okj83 at live dot com

  2. I DON'T WANT THIS WEEK TO END!!! This week has been so much fun with these wonderful blog hops! Today was so full of bright and awesome inspiration! Lala was carrying her little pail & beachball, so she must have been going to the beach? hehe

  3. Great cards on the blog hop this morning! LaLa has her beach ball and pail in her hands to take to the beach.

  4. I enjoyed this week's bloghopping...I think it was great because there were not too many blogs to be visited in one time....sweet Lala took again her bucket and beachball to the beach!
    xxx Margreet

  5. lala brought her fish pail and beach ball, mermaid lala brought herself. then the other darlings came to her bash too. What a fun way to check out lala land craft team.

  6. Another great mini hop! I am lovin' this!! Everyone has done a remarkable job showing the images!! Oh and LaLa is still playing at the beach with her beachball and pail!

  7. I have been loving the hop all week long. The DT's done a great job. LaLa has her beach ball and her bucket ready for a fun day at the beach.

  8. Iriana- The hop has been a blast this week and I have enjoyed playing along. Today Lala has her beach ball and pail in hand going to the beach.

  9. she took her sand bucket and beach ball. Thanks had so much fun.

  10. Once again, a wonderful stroll through some awesome eye candy and great ideas! And Lala still has her beach ball and pail, ready for some fun!

  11. Lala took her pail and ball to the beach!
    The blog hop is fantastic! Thank you to all for doing this!
