Inspiration MONDAY

Saturday, July 3, 2010

More of Something NEW

I would like to show you two more cards for this week's TRY SOMETHING NEW CHALLENGE. For the details of this challenge, please scroll down to the post below or click HERE.

First card was made by Pam Sparks. For "something new" Pam used the McGill Sunflower punch that she's had for several years and never used. Oh WOW, this punch just meant to be used with Sunflower Rosie!! Just PERFECT!!

And here is my card :-) For my "something new" I made a paper spring to mount Snorkel Sherman onto my card. This card was also made for a very special girl named Bella, please visit my blog for more information.

Remember, you have till Monday midnight to participate in our Challenge!! There is still time!!



  1. WOWIE, super cards girl!! I've made springy thingies on the insides of my cards, but prolly different than this. LOVE that you Sprung him up! =)

    And Pam... oh my!! Your card is so (pardon the Martha Stewart expression) YUMMY! I love the sunflowers, and even more I love your awesome coloring--with such rich tones, it's BEAUTIFUL!!
