Inspiration MONDAY

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April Release Peeks, and a CONTEST!!!

We have some new stamps coming to La-La Land tomorrow, and you are going to LOVE them! We have 2 new characters coming out in the digital stamp line along with an old favorite, and 4 new rubber stamps. Below we have some peeks of our new images from several of our designers and guest designers. Tomorrow we'll have the full cards, along with the images for you to view and BUY! We hope you'll like them as much as we do!

Now for some fun...included with each sneak peek below is a little unfinished rhyme. I have left spaces for the number of letters in each correct word, just email the 7 words to
and YOU could win a $25 credit to the La-La Land Crafts boutique to buy these gorgeous new stamps, or some amazing older ones - it's up to you! But don't delay, you have only until midnight Pacific time TONIGHT (Tuesday) to get your entry in, because we'll announce the winner tomorrow when we share the full images (and cards) for all these new stamps! Good luck!

A new La-La who enjoys exploring underwater caves
but here she is flitting through the salty sea _ _ _ _ _.

This cute little guy is feeling quite ducky
when he gets a bone he's also quite _ _ _ _ _

This sweet new Rosie might make you wary
but don't you worry, she's a good _ _ _ _ _.

A fun new Maya peeking in today
don't you just love her flower _ _ _ _ _ _ _?

This elegant new La-La I must confess
is heading to a ball for she's a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Another sweet Rosie and it's only fitting
for her to be resting, so here she is _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Another new character with a smallish rat
please welcome to La-La Land Sherman the _ _ _
Now make sure to leave a comment here AND send your answers in to right away for your chance to WIN $25 to spend in the La-La Land Crafts Boutique!


  1. Cute idea! I've emailed you- thanks for the chance!

  2. Wow, what fun. I am emailing you my guesses. Thanks for the chance at a great prize.

  3. This is a great little game, thanks for the chance. I have emailed my guesses.

  4. Thanks for the opportunity to play - I have emailed my answers and am looking forward to the New releases and the DT cards {{{hugs}}}

  5. Oh, this is so much fun! I can't wait until tomorrow to see all the new releases! They look wonderful so far!!! I've e-mailed you what I think the 7 words are!

  6. Oh boy...I will have to think on a few of these and e-mail you! Great sneak peeks!

  7. Beautiful peeks. I thought I'd left a message on here already but I mustn't have! Great idea with the rhymes!

    Cant wait to see all the cards tomoro!

    Kimmi x

  8. This is so much fun! I love this contest! Thanks for the chance to win some fab prizes!!!

  9. This is so cute. You have the best ideas. Tracy B

  10. Great idea...I've e-mailed my guesses. Thank you!!

  11. These look like some fun peeks, I can't wait to see the full stamps. Thanks for the chance to play along.

  12. I am emailing you shortly. I NEED this gift card.....hubby has put me on a budget.

  13. Hiya
    was at work sneaky blog hopping and spotted your post, worked out all the answers first thing this morning but could not mail from work. Love your stamps my next one should be with me any day, would love more - thanks for the opportunity to win some
    Hugs Kate xx
    Good Luck everyone

  14. This is a great little game, thanks for the chance. I have emailed my guesses.

  15. So much fun! I'm already in love with what I can see of Sherman, 'cuz I never met a kitty-cat I didn't love!
    Thanks for the chance to win a gift certificate. Best of luck with the new release!

  16. What a fun contest! Can't wait to see the full images. Emailing you now.

  17. Thank you for the chance to win.

  18. That was fun ~ I sent my email off.

  19. Okay, I've gone and sent my answers your way
    Thanks for the rhyming fun, I loved to play!
    Cute stamps :-) CM2

  20. thanks for the chance to win.


  21. I have sent my answers in from work. This is so fun. Love the sneak peaks. Can't wait to sell the full reveal.

    Scrappin' Hugz :-)

  22. I'm sending you my guess....don't know it there are right.....but it sounded good to me.....thank for the chance....

  23. I've emailed my answers! Oh, I so hope I win cause these stamps look so cute! Rosemary :)

  24. Love the cat. Can't wait to see him in full view. I've e-mailed my guesses.

  25. what a fun way to intice us. I can hardly wait ..michelle

  26. How fun, I just sent in my answers!

    Hugs, Kelly

  27. That was lots of fun with the rhymes. I would love to win. sneak peeks look good.

  28. What a fun game, I hope I answered them correctly! Beth aka BR-T

  29. Fun game & thanks for the chance to play!

  30. Hi Irina! Love this new game challenge thingy. I hope you get my email. Hugs, Carlyxx

  31. Irina: This is a great game. I can hardly wait to see the new line of stamps.

  32. Ooooh love the sneak peek! Can't wait for the release. Sent in my answers to the contest. Thanks for the chance to win!


  33. Love the sneak peek, can't wait to see them. I've emailed you. Thanks for the chance to win.

  34. Your contest ideas are almost as creative as your stamp ideas are! I really enjoy these fun games and the chance to win a gift certificate to your store is really awesome and a great way for those of us on a strict budget to be able to get some very special items! Thanks again for the chance to win a gift certificate. I can't wait to see who wins!

  35. the little sneak peeks are so cute!!! can't wait to see the whole images of all of them! great contest.
