Inspiration MONDAY

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

tomorrow.. tomorrow!!!

I feel like I am dreaming, I feel like I am on cloud nine, I feel like I am in the La-La Land!! Tomorrow is the Great Opening of my store, La-La Land Crafts, and it still does not feel real. Somebody pinch me!!

Just to remind you, the celebration will start with the reveal of the stamps at Cranberry Hill Mercantile in Sunnyvale, CA. The party is scheduled from 6 pm to 9 pm (see details here).

The website will go live at 11 pm PST. To celebrate the Grand Opening in our online store, we are offering a 10% discount storewide!! This is a limited time offer, it will only last for the first 24 hours!!

As a special treat for those of you coming to Cranberry Hill, we are going to have two very special guests there!! Jane Matsumoto is my Design Team coordinator and she will be doing a make-and-take at the store with you. If you have not met Jane before you will see why I have chosen her, she is as sweet as she is talented!! The other guest is Mark Peterson. You don't know Mark yet.. Mark is my friend and a writer. As soon as my website goes live you will see very cute character descriptions there for every single stamp. Mark writes those for me!!!

See you tomorrow at Cranberry Hill or in my online store, see you in my La-La Land!!!

Oh, and we will ship internationally too and also will sell wholesale.

Hugs to all!!


  1. It's only a day away! :)
    I can't wait! It will be nice to meet Mark too. It's going to be a fun night!! xx Jane

  2. Pinch !!

    Did ya feel it? It's for real! Can't wait to see everything!

  3. We can feel your excitement. Wish I could be there for your grand opening.

  4. Wish I could be there too. Hope it is an enormous success and I will defo be looking around the store online.

    Ann xxx

  5. I'm excited for you!! Tomorrow is my blogaversary as well. Do you have gift certificates available? I would be happy to buy one to give away as part of my blogaversary.

  6. Good luck with the Grand Opening, it all sounds so exciting - wish lived there!!!
    Louise x

  7. I am so excited for you Irina! What a dream come true this must be for you. I'm so glad to be along for the ride. I'll be there in spirit at the LaLa Gala, you can count on that!


  8. Woohoo - not long to wait now!

  9. Best of luck with your grand opening and the "moo"ving sneak peak it too cute! Can't wait to see the entire image.

  10. Good luck with the Grand Opening

  11. Woohoo! I am so excited! I wish I could be there. I will definitely be at the online store!!

  12. Congrats and I hope you have a great night tomorrow!! Can't wait to see the Website up and running!

  13. good luck with your Grand Opening... I wish you much success!!!!

    I am just waiting to see your whole line!!!

  14. Okay... it's 9:33 PST... how am I going to make it to 11:00.... I am getting so impatient!


