Inspiration MONDAY

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

BIG, HUGE News!!! and a Blog Candy, of course!!

This Blog Candy is now CLOSED! Thank you to everyone who had entered!!

I have been paper crafting for about 7 years now, it all started with scrapbooking and then I have transitioned into the Card Making. I really love making cards because for the small project there are sure so many options and every time I make a new card I get a feel of accomplishment. A few months ago I have decided that I should take my love of stamping and cardmaking a step further. And I took it!! Not even a step really, but a HUGE LEAP!!! I have decided to start my VERY OWN STAMP COMPANY!!!! Are you excited for me yet?

There is a slogan under my other blog "Everything Paper Crafts" title, it says "welcome to my happy place, to my crafting La La Land". Crafting has really been my happy place, my La-La Land for many years. This is where I go to escape from reality sometimes, and it has definitely helped me to get through some hard times in my life. And what better name for my stamp company would be then "La-La Land Crafts"? Here you go!! There is a new stamp company in town!! How about that??!! I would like to introduce to you for the very first time, "La-La Land Crafts"!!!

Who makes the artwork for my stamps? I have searched high and low to find the artists with just the right artwork that appealed to me, and which also could be turned into the line art for the stamps. Not an easy task let me tell you, but I have found three!!! The first release will have six images from two of the artists, twelve stamps all together!! The second release (already in works) will have the images from all three artists..

My stamps are made of a very high quality deep etched red rubber.. they are already mounted on the cling cushion!!! they are trimmed and ready to be placed on acrylic blocks!! Because of the high quality of the stamps, you will get great stamped images every single time!!

My stamps will be available both retail and wholesale. They will be available internationally too. You will be able to purchase my stamps through my website, and also in some of the craft stores. The website is still in works and will be up and running on the official release date. Cranberry Hill Mercantile will be one of the first stores carrying my stamps. If you are a store and would like to carry my line of stamps, please contact me to set up a wholesale account.

The release date will be sometimes at the end of August, the date is being determined. We will start the celebration by having a Grand Opening at Cranberry Hill Mercantile. The website will go live the same day at 11 pm PST.

I can't tell you about my new stamp company and not show you anything now, can I? I would never do that to you!! I can't show you the full images until the official release day, but here is a little sneak peek!!

This is Lala from La-La Land!! Isn't she adorable? Can't wait for you to see the full image of Lala. The artwork is by a super talented artist Kathy R. Jeffords. You can see more of Kathy's artwork here.

Now.. You have a chance to be one of the very first to own La La Land stamps, I am going to give this Lala stamp away to the lucky winner of the Blog Candy!!! Other items included in this Blog Candy are:

- StorRite Plastic Storage Sheets
- Stampin Up "Bella Toile" background stamp
- Stampin Up "Best Yet", set of six stamps
- Stampin Up Taffeta Ribbon in Chocolate Chip
- Inkadinkado, Personal Impressions 8 Notecards and Envelopes
- Inkadinkado, Personal Impressions Daisy, 2 Clear Stamps in this set
- Hero Arts Art paper Flowers

and from the new Lazy Summer Days collection by Magnolia you will get two stamps:

- Loves me Tilda and
- Loves me sentiment

Here is how to enter.. Mention my new Company AND my Blog Candy on your blog, then leave a comment under this post. If you do not have a blog, just spread out the word about my new Company AND my Blog Candy (or just simply promise me that you will ;-) ) and then leave a comment.

Everyone is welcome to participate, I will ship internationally.. One comment per person please :-)

I will draw the winning number on Wednesday, July 22nd, at around 10 pm PST. On the same day I will have a sneak peek of the image from another artist, and there also be another Blog Candy.

I am so excited!!!



  1. I am so thrilled to be the first one to congratulate you on this new La La La Crafts stamping company!! I am so excited for you. I love all the blog candy you are offering. Wow!! You will certainly be getting business from me. Hugs!!

  2. Wow, how exciting. Congratulations to be able to do what you love. I love the sneak peak and the candy is awesome. Please enter me. I will be sure to spread the word since I don't have a blog.
    Lisa W

  3. Wow, congrats Irina - this is very exciting news, can't wait to get my hands on your stamps.

    Sharon Tilton

  4. Congrassssssssssssss.... so nice to hear the good news, I'm very excited for you, thanks for the chance to win this fav candy... I put a post about it witn pics in my blog.

  5. This is soo exciting for you! I looking forward to seeing all your new stamps! Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy!
    Good Luck in everything you do!
    Holly M from Texas

  6. Oh how excited you must be! Can't wait to join you in your new adventure!

  7. Congratulations!!! Can't wait to orfer and tell my friends. Good luck and great success with your adventure. Jeanette P

  8. I am so excited for you!! I will spread the word. Congratulations.
    Good luck - altho you won't need it!

  9. I don't have a blog, but I will share the news with my stamping buddies.
    Congratulations on the new company. I'm anxious to see what the designers come up with!

  10. Hi Irina, I'm so excited for you!! Congratulations!! I promise to tell all my stamping friends about your new stamp company and the wonderful blog candy!
    I can't wait to see your stamps and all your beautiful samples!!
    Hugs, Suzan Laverty

  11. Congratulations and Good luck for La La Land stamps curious to see the new linn
    sorry i dont have a blog, but i try to spread the candy.
    Thank you

  12. Irina,
    Congrats! This is very exciting for you! The candy is lovely! I have made a post about it on my blog, and I have also listed it with all the candy in my sidebar. Good luck with the new company!

  13. Congrats! I love the name of you company. The peek is awesome. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the stamp.
    I posted on my blog about your company and blog candy.

  14. Wow, congratulation Irina!!! And good luck with new company!!!
    Thanks for the chance to win!!!
    Fantastic candy!!!!
    Welcome to my blog

  15. Wow! This is awesome. Congratulations, so very excited to see your stamp line!

  16. yeah! a big congrads to you...cannot wait to see all you will offer...but luv the name! No blog...but I have EMAIL the word to my local buds and even a few not so local...ever hear of the fiskateers? only about 6000 of us so's that ? Would love to win and appreciate the chance, tyvm Cher

  17. Congratulations on your stamp store! I blogged about it and here is the link. Hugs and good luck! Christine

  18. Wow! Congratulations on your new endeavor. I can hardly wait to see what your new stamps look like!

  19. Fab candy and fab sneak peek! Would love to win your fab candy, I linked you on my blog!
    Hugs, moni

  20. Congratulations and Good luck for La La Land stamps!
    I blogged about it and here is the link.
    Thanks for the chance to win!!!

  21. Congratulations on your big project. It's fantastic you can work with things you love.
    And great blog candy.

  22. Congrats on your new business! I will be sure to spread the news. I can't wait to check back and see what you are offering!

  23. I have shared this info with 3 different groups I belong to - and cc'd you on the emails.

    I am loving this LALA stamp and can't wait to own it - she is great - even viewed Kathy's site and she does beautiful work, these are going to be a must have for me!
    Congrats on your new business- you're going to do GREAT!

  24. Congratulations! on your new company and for making your own stamps! -Manjari

  25. Congratulations and best of luck, I will be looking forward to seeing your stamps. I have you linked at the very top of my side bar. In the event that I were to actually win, I will be on vacation and out of touch until the 26th.
    Thanks for the chance to win, your candy looks YUMMY

  26. thanks for this blog candy, here's my link :

  27. Can't wait for your official launch date. Love the sneak peak.

    Yummy candy too.

    my post so you don't have to search

  28. so happy for you and more than happy to share the news at

  29. Congrats on your new stamp company. I love the sneak peak of Lala! She is so cute. I don't have a blog but will announce it on my Facebook page!

    sandyh502001 at yahoo dot com

  30. Congrats on your new stamp company! I don't have a Blog and read about it on Fiskateer site. Thanks for a chance to win.

  31. Congrats on your new adventure in life. I hope it is very successful for you. I love rubberstamps. I do not have a blog but will definitely get the word out there for you. Best of luck to you!!

  32. Congrats on the La La La Stamping Company. I just love the sneak peek of the stamp so far. Wow you know how to celebration with this sweet candy. Here is the link where I am spreading the news:

    Thanks for a chance and Good Luck with the new company.

  33. Congratulations Irina! Wow..your very own Stamp Co. How wonderful is that. Your cards and creations are amazing, so I know your stamp Company will be a huge success!

    Please enter me for your blog candy, as I do not have a blog..

    I can't wait to buy your new stamps!

    I wish you Great Success, Much Happiness, & God Bless..

  34. Love the sneak peek! I saved a copy of the picture and linked it back here to the blog candy! I'm also following along so I don't miss any new updates!



  35. Congrats on your new Company and best of luck with it. And also thanks for a chance at winning your great prize.
    I attached your blog candy to the side bar on my blog its fairly new and I still have to get it up and running 100%

  36. Congratulations on your new venture!! I've mentioned your blog candy on my blog's "candy jar" on the right-hand navbar.


  37. Congrats on your new company and as cute as your sneak peek is... it will be FANTASTIC!
    Still working on that blogging bit but I'll let my stamping buds know to look for your opening really soon!I signed up to get your email so I be one of the first to hear your news.

  38. Congrats on your new company! Ooooh, totally loving the sneak peak of Lala! I've added you to my Candy Bar on my sidebar :) Can't wait to see the next sneak peek! Thanks for the chance to enter too :)

  39. Irina, Congrats on your new company! I left a msg on Dreamy Giraffe blog about your company & blog candy! Lala is too cool. Can't wait to see what other new stamps you are going to have! Tks for a chance to win!


  40. How exciting! Hooray for you! Thanks for the opportunity to win and I can't wait to see what you will have "in store" for us!
    Pam Brown

  41. This is some of the best news I have heard in a long time! You are going to be SO successful at this new venture! I love your blog and I can't wait to spend my husband's money at your new store! Hurry and get opened!! Congrats and thanks for the offer to win blog candy!

  42. Congrats! Love the sneak peek :) Best of luck to you. Can't wait to see what else is coming from your new venture!


  43. Congratulations on your new venture, the sneak peeks look fabulous already !

    I have added a link to my sidebar !

    best wishes
    Kate x

  44. Great little sneak peek - cant wait to see the rest. Have done a post on my blog.
    Good luck with your new venture

    Beccy x

  45. Irina wow!!! Congratulation & wish you good luck with your new company!!!
    I have posted a link+fhoto about your candy in my blog here Welcome) And thanks a lot)

  46. Congratulations Irina!!!
    Great blog candy! Thanks for the chance to win!
    I'm your follower and I posted a link on the sidebar of my blog

  47. How exciting! I wish you all the VERY best. I am thrilled to be able to help spread the word for you on my BLOG!

  48. I can tell that you are very excited to start LaLa land stamps! I can't wait to see all the wonderful stamps that your store will have. Also, I love all the goodies in your blog candy! Good Luck!

  49. A big Congrats!!!I have your blog candy posted at:

  50. Hi Irina! Congratulations!!! lovely blog candy!! thanks for the chance to win :) Im going to link your blog right now!
    Here is my blog

  51. Irina! What fun! Congratulations on the new company. I am sure you will be successful (especially if you can get your son to sell the stamps door to door! Just kidding!)
    I promise I will tell people about La La Land Crafts.


  52. wow you own company how great is that congrats to you.

  53. Congratulations on your HUGE endeavor! I'm looking forward to seeing your new stamps. What a great opportunity for you! Best of luck, and I will be sure to spread your good news.

  54. Congratulations on your new company, La La Land Crafts. How exciting!! I know you'll be successful with it! ANd, I like the stamps in your blog candy. Jodi

  55. Congrats on opening your own stamp shop. :) I spread the word about it on my blog. Thanks for the chance to win this fab stamps.

  56. What exciting news. The peek of the new stamp looks great and what fantastic blog candy. Have linked you on my sidebar on my blog. Will be back to shop once you are open. Marianne x

  57. Hi Irina
    Congrats on your new stamps company. You must be very excited. I'm very happy for you and a very very good luck with your new stamps. They seems so cute!

    Thanks for a chance to win this great blog candy. I don't have a blog but I'll tell my friends about Lalaland Crafts.

  58. Thank you for your candy! :)
    My blog

  59. Congrats!!
    I'm spreading the word about your company and candy. My blog is THe blog is very new, so in addition, I'll definitely spread the word. Thanks for the opportunity to win!! Congrats again.

  60. Wow, congrats on your new stamp company how exciting it must be for you :)! Can't wait to see all the other wonderful goodies you will be creating. I posted about your company, your blog candy giveaway on my blog:

    Inky Hugs,

  61. Wow !! How exciting for you ! I love the look of Lala ! She is a cutie !

    I don't have a blog but will gladly email my crafty contact list and them to get on over here !

    Thanks for the chance !

  62. Hi Irina! Great, great, great blog candy!! Would love to be the lucky winner. I have the feeling I'm going to love la-la land!! Good luck to ya on your adventure.

  63. Hi Irina, I am so excited for you your company sounds awesome, can't wait!

  64. How exciting, Irina! From the sneak peak I can tell your designs are going to be Copic friendly and lots of fun, and I'll look forward to the grand debut of your new stamps and website next month. Wish we didn't have to wait a whole month. :-(
    You're so good at what you do that I know if anyone can succeed at this, you can. I'll back you 100%!
    The web candy looks yummy, too!!

  65. Congrats on the new business! The candy is beautiful! I'll link to my blog and spread the word!

  66. I share in your sentiment of crafting taking you to your "la-la land and your happy place." Being terminally ill, I lose myself on the good days in my craft room. My team of doctors call it my "diversional therapy. I get to forget about the doctors, hospitals and the reality of my disease immersing myself in my cards. So, kudo's to you and your new company; I am sure that you will do well with such a positive attitude.

  67. Fabulous news, the sneak peek is great! I will pass the word. You must be flying high. Wishing you all the best things I can and know with your talent, you will be a great success. Anytime you can do what you love and make yourself happy that is the greatest feeling in the world. Enter me in your blog candy and set aside one of each stamp for me. Have to show you off to all. Love Rose

  68. Can't wait to see!!
    I've gotcha linked up in my blog candy section on my blog.

  69. Best Wishes to you on this new adventure! I've posted about this Here! Thanks for offering blog candy for your opening!

  70. Congratulations, I can't wait to see what you've come up with! The sneak peek looks wonderful! And so gracious of you to give out such a yummie candy ^_^ I posted about your new store in my blog and now I'm off to keep my fingers crossed :D


  71. Congratulations! This is very exciting and Lala looks adorable! Can't wait to see the new stamps!!! Will def add your blog candy to my page!

  72. Wow! How exciting for you (and us!). Your peek looks like fun.

    I do not have a blog but I appreciate being included.


    Beverly Bishop

  73. I'm really excited!
    I wish you the best with your new shop. And btw I love that name!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

    I added a link to your shop/candy on the sidebar of my blog.

  74. Congrats Irina on your new company! I can't wait to see more previews. Sorry, I don't have a blog but i'm going to e-mail all my crafty friends and let them know. Good luck, keep up the fantastic work, and thanks =)

  75. Congrats on your new venture Irina I am sure it will be successful, talent is always successful so I look forward to seeing your new blog with the new stamps! Thanks

  76. Congratulations on your new company. I can't wait to see the rest of your Lala image and the rest of your artwork! I don't have a blog as of yet, but friends with blogs will definitely get the word. Thanks and hope you have a great weekend!

  77. Irina,

    Congratulations on your new stamp company. Love the name, La-La Land Crafts. I am so happy for you. You have really accomplished many wonderful things this past year. Can't wait to see your stamps at Cranberry Mercantile.


  78. How awesome Irina! I would be excited too! Thanks for the blog Candy contest. I have blogged [ ] about you and will also mention you at the Sisterhood of Scrap Forum where I am a moderator!

    Enjoy the weekend-- Good luck with your new venture.

  79. YUMMY!!!! Congrats on your new venture!!!! I blogged about it HERE.

  80. congratulations!!! This sounds awesome... Can't wait to see your line!
    I tried spreading the word ;)

  81. How awesome your stamp looks like it is going to be quite exciting

  82. OOOOHHHH LaLa (pun intended),
    I have copied your pic and added to blog post here
    I can't wait to see the full reveal, I'm in love... ms.cheryl

  83. How very cool! Good luck to you! Can't wait to see the stamps!

  84. Congratulations Irina! How exciting! I wish you much luck with your new venture!! And I thank you fo rthe chance to win some candy too! :)

  85. How exciting for you to be opening your new store - I hope all goes well.
    Thanks for the chance of winning your amazing candy - I've linked you on my sidebar.

  86. Congrats! You're as busy as me, if not more so! I'd bet your new "baby" is as cute as mine ; ) I saw the great artwork from your first artist - just don't forget there are those of us who like cute & have boys. . . Can't wait til Wed. for the sneak peek! Will post on my blog happily!

  87. Can't wait to see your stamps! Will be posting this on my blog

  88. Congrats on your new company!I've spread word about it and about your candy here:

    Best Wishes! :-)


  89. Hi Irena
    Congratulation on your new store I am so delighted for you:-)
    I so look forward to visiting you and thanks for the sneek peek.
    Such a wonderful candy prize and thank you for this chance to win.
    I have posted in my main post and side bar.
    Hugs Linda

  90. congrats!!!


  91. Congratulations with your own company Irina! Very exciting! Here's my link . Greetings from Belgium and good luck, Annelies

  92. Bestof luck with your new stamp line. I have emailed your blog URL to my stamping buddies. Thank you for offering such yummy candy.

    cheers Annie

  93. Wow you must be super excited!! Good luck, can't wait to see what you created!

  94. i am an avid follower of you website! and i email all my crafty friends and told them of your news!

    i hope i win the blog candy
    ! money is a bit tight at the moment, but i love my craft!!!

  95. Congrats on your new endeavor! I can't wait to see all of your new releases in August. Here is the link to my blog where I posted about your new company and blog candy.
    Thanks for the chance to win that awesome blog candy!

  96. Hi!
    Congrats on your new company, it looks great!
    thanks for the chance to win,
    have a greart day!!

  97. Congratulations on your new company! Can't wait to see the stamps. I don't have a blog but belong to a scrapbooking group and will spread the word!
    Thanks for a chance to win great blog candy!

  98. CONGRATS - My friend - Can't wait to see your new stamps and packaging. Watch out world Irina is coming out! - Looking forward to being invited to the big splash at Cranberry Mercantile.

    Carol N

  99. Fabulous candy you are giving away and best of luck with the launch of your new company! I've got your candy linked on my blog:)

  100. Irina:

    Best of luck in your new adventure. You are so talented and I know your company will be a big success.


  101. Good luck with your new business!! That little peek of a stamp is such a tease!! What great blog candy too!

  102. wow !
    this candy is very very nice!!
    thanks for this opportunity !

    god luck at all


    my e.mail is :

  103. Congratulations!!!

    I've mentioned your new company and candy on my sidebar!!!

    Thanks for this chance at what I'm sure are going to be great stamps :)

    I'm a new follower too!

  104. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I have dreamt of having my own stamp company for quite some time and I think it is just great that you have started your own company in these troubled times that we live in...

    Good Luck and thanks for the delicious looking blog candy. I have never won anything and it would be awesome if I got to win candy from you.

  105. Congratulations, that is exciting news, can't wait to see the new line of stamps. I visit your blog on a regular basis and love, love, love your work. Would love to win you bog candy. Cheers!


  107. Congratualtions and very best of luck to you! I have put you on my blog under the title "Blog Candy Alert" and I hope more people follow the link there and find you!

    VERY generous blog candy! Thanks for the chance to join in!

  108. Congratulations on your new business! What fun to turn a hobby into something even more rewarding.
    Blog candy is yummy ..thanks for the chance to win it!

    Cheers Annie

  109. Congratulations on starting La La Crafts. I'm so excited for you! Thanks for offering the blog candy! :)

  110. Thanks for offering the blog candy. I posted on my side bar about your blog candy and new store.
